Trauma and Addiction
We try to push back the pain, so we can return to our pre-trauma life. Dwelling on the issue means the bad guys win, right?
We try to push back the pain, so we can return to our pre-trauma life. Dwelling on the issue means the bad guys win, right?
Around 65% of all relapses occur in the first 3 months. Find out the best ways to help a loved one prevent or overcome a drugs or alcohol relapse.
In all honesty, the first week of addiction treatment can be tough. While your loved one is healing, you have time to focus on yourself and how you can support recovery.
Cravings are part of the cycle of addiction. In recent years, scientists have discovered specific medications that make recovery easier.
The return home after residential treatment can be difficult. For many, a halfway house is a logical interim step. A halfway house is a place for those in early recovery to sleep, eat, get jobs, begin outpatient treatment and attend self-help groups. Halfway Houses because we believe they offer the best chances for long-term recovery. …
Find the best treatment that fits your financial, geographical, and health needs. Here’s how.
A person struggling with addiction is provided encouragement, guidance and accountability from someone else with years of recovery and experience.